Frequently Asked Questions
-~- FAQS -~-
How many children are in the program?And what is the teacher/child ratio?
We have 13 children in our preschool classes and 10 – 13 children in ourparent /toddler classes each program has 2-3 teachers with a ratio of at least 1-6
If I enroll in the Toddler Program, will my child automatically get into the preschool program?
We do enroll children from our Toddler Program, but it is not a requirement. Because our school is so unique, we want to make sure that it is a right fit for your family.The Toddler Program is a great way to find out if its the right match.
What do you use the materials fee for?
We believe that all children deserve the best materials available to express themselves. From our clay pit which invites full body exploration to a wide variety of artist media, our children explore and discover the materials that speak their language. Our co-constructed projects require mastery of many materials to fully explore an idea. A project may require pastels or watercolor in the planning stage, wire or blocks to brainstorm, cloth and beads to build components, circuits to test hypothesis, cameras to document, photosensitive paper and inks to investigate further.
How are parents involved in the school?
Parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles and caregivers are an integral part of the Branches Community. We encourage everyone to share their unique skills and interests. From field trips, cooking, documenting, gardening, construction and artistry, our community is stronger with everyone’s involvement. The children recognize the value of their school when they see their families involved.
Why do you require a tour of the school prior to applying?
Our school is truly unique in its mission and passion. The community is stronger when its members share that mission and passion. To create a true high quality experience for our children, we believe that its important that teachers and parents provide consistent, focused messages.