Parent / Infant Program
Branches Atelier Infant Parent Program provides a dynamic and unique opportunity for parents and their infants to embark on a mindful life journey together. With discussions ranging from early childhood theory, parenting practices and observations of children at work, participants will embark on a retrospective journey that will broaden their horizons, help to examine their parenting techniques and will provide opportunities for both parent and child to have shared experiences that inspire curiosity, promote connection and support the parent child connection. Come share and explore a variety of materials as well as rich, thought provoking conversations.
Classes meet once a week for one hour for the school year from September through June approximately 35 sessions.
Currently we have 2 age groups 3-18 months, and 12-18 months.
Depending on the age of your child you will be eligible for one of the following classes:
We currently have one class which mwwts on Wednesdays from 9 am -10:15 am
We are preparing to have Parent-Infant classes on Tuesday - Wednesday- and Thursday mornings.