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11359 W Washington Blvd
Culver City, CA, 90066

Branches Atelier is committed to creating high-quality, creative, dynamic, educational programs for children, families and educators. We are a social constructivist program, inspired by the Reggio Emilia approach to early childhood education.

Based on our fundamental belief that children learn best when their work is meaningful and in a social context, we integrate all areas of curriculum though short-term explorations and long-term project . Children are viewed as protagonists in their learning and are encouraged to work in collaboration with their peers to co-construct new theories and ideas.


Parent / Infant Online


Branches Atelier Parents and Infant Online Classes  for infants 2 - 18 months by 9/1/20

Classes start September 2020

Community continues to be important, especially during these trying times; with that in mind for the first time, this year, Branches Atelier is excited to be offering families from all over the world an opportunity to enroll in our innovative early childhood programs. Throughout our school year, join our dedicated Branches teachers and parent educators in our parent-infant cohort program, specializing in supporting your child’s social, emotional, and creative development. 

Your Parent and Infant classes meet online with an experienced and dedicated Branches teacher for 30 minutes once a week for a wide range of experiences that will develop over the year, including singing, movement, puppets, story, and hands-on, creative experiences with beautifully curated art materials supplied by Branches. The class is followed by a weekly, one-hour parent meeting online with our wonderful parent  facilitator, Brandi Sharkey, MFT. 


Our Branches Parent and Infant program offers children the opportunity to:

  • Gain experience with a wide range of developmentally appropriate experiences.

  • Explore beautiful Branches curated materials sent home 3 times a year.

  • Embark on a journey into self-discovery, wonder, joy and creativity.

  • Engage in building communication skills through quality parent child interactions..

  • Delight in the wonder of songs, movement, story, puppets and community building while interacting with their parents, peers lead by one of our dedicated and experienced Branches teachers.

  • Grow and learn in a Reggio inspired nurturing community.

Our Branches Parent and Infant program offers parents the opportunity to:

  • Learn how to  set up provocative  learning spaces at home.

  • Gain experience in supporting your child’s curiosity, resiliency, flexibility and problem solving skills.

  • Learn to parent from the inside out.

  • Support and develop your child’s creativity and imagination with carefully selected Branches curated materials sent home 3 times a year.

  • Observe as the children gain confidence in working with a range of media and use materials as a form of joyful expression, creativity, sensory explorations  and social interactions.

  • Learn not only the about materials curated for the infants but also gain experience in best practices in contemporary child development theories, guided in weekly sessions with expert faculty.

  • Form a learning community of parents with support from our parent educators to discuss contemporary issues, child development theories and strategies for parenting infants in a caring and non judgmental  digital space.

  • Join us and take part in our Branches Parent evenings workshops and seminars.

Online parent and Infant 3 months to 18 months

Dates TBD

10.30am to 11am (PST) Parent and infant hands on zoom 

One hour parent/facilitator meeting (Dates TBD) 

Curated Branches materials sent home three times during the year

Tuition  $2,500.0o

Registration  $150.00 

Materials fee  $300.00

Total                     $2950 (includes deposit)

Deposit  $600.00 

Please contact to apply and register
