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11359 W Washington Blvd
Culver City, CA, 90066

Branches Atelier is committed to creating high-quality, creative, dynamic, educational programs for children, families and educators. We are a social constructivist program, inspired by the Reggio Emilia approach to early childhood education.

Based on our fundamental belief that children learn best when their work is meaningful and in a social context, we integrate all areas of curriculum though short-term explorations and long-term project . Children are viewed as protagonists in their learning and are encouraged to work in collaboration with their peers to co-construct new theories and ideas.



 Here is the resource list and full length videos from the webinars relating to Covid

Please feel free to share this with your colleagues and families.

Also Listed below:

Upcoming workshops and a Free course on watercolor and collage

Education in the Time of Coronavirus -online webinar- 5/12/2020

Presented by Patricia Hunter McGrath and the Branches Atelier staff.

Preparing to Return to School in the Time of COVID-19 -online webinar- 6/3/2020 2 hrs 20 minutes

Presented by

  • Patricia Hunter McGrath and Christina Bianchi of Branches Atelier Culver City California

  • Pauline McPeake of The Growing Place - Santa Monica, California

  • Veronica “Ronnie” Vehemente of The Family Room

Returning to School in the Time of COVID - What happened? -online- webinar 9/30/2020 1 hr 47 minutes

Presented by:

  • Patricia Hunter McGrath of Branches Atelier Culver City California

  • Pauline McPeake of The Growing Place - Santa Monica, California

Returning to School in the Time of COVID: What happened? Hosted by Patricia Hunter McGrath / Director of Branches Atelier, Culver City and Pauline McPeake Director of The Growing Place, Santa Monica. This is the 3rd of 3 in the series of webinars following "Education in the Time of Coronavirus" and "Preparing to Return to School in the Time of COVID-19"


Branches Atelier On-Line Courses FREE COURSE


I am so very excited and happy to have finally created my first online course for parents and teachers! This course covers an Introduction to Watercolors and Mixed Media Collage with Young Children.

This is my gift to you for being the amazing, dedicated educators and parents that you are. It is free! Go to the following link and sign in to Teachable and enjoy. Share with parents and teachers you know.

The more creative we all are during times like this, the better. Pass on the love! And if you have a moment, please leave us some feedback at the end of the course. 

Branches Atelier On-Line 

Much love to you all,
